Working on THE LAB late one night, evil comic book genius Scott Christian Sava realized there was something missing from his graphic experiment…
No, not slugs and snails or puppydogs’ tails, nor sugar, spice, everything nice and formula ’X’....No, what his nefarious scheme was missing were the actual numbers and letters with which he could complete his equation! BRILLIANT!
What he needed was something antiseptically clean and readable, even at small sizes for megalomanical rambling as well as the 5 point type under the Bio-Hazard logo that nobody really reads, and yet also bouncy and energetic enough for the inevitable sound effects that might follow exclamations such as: "IT’S ALIVE!" or "IT JUST-MIGHT-WORK!"
Thanks to those awfully nice chaps at Comicraft, MadScientist is now available to evil geniuses everywhere, and guaranteed Laboratory tested.*
*No animals or small children were hurt during the creation and use of this font. Well, not yet, anyway.
Artwork by Lew Stringer