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Golem font

Trolls are lurking under each and every river crossing. The earth is shaking as Ogres stomp across the land, spiked clubs in hand. Swordsmen and Sorcerers are waging war on one another even as the pure and young and stout of heart search for the talisman which will restore harmony once more. Are you under the spell of some wizard's magickal incantation or are you just looking for exactly the right typestyle for your J.R.R. Tolkien Convention newsletter?

Regardless, an ancient curse has been lifted and the Talmudic Legend of the Clay Beast they call GOLEM has been restored to his former majesty. The shapeless mass is no longer one of unfinished substance, no longer a body without a soul. The Homunculus that was once Comicraft's Golem has had a spiritual awakening and is now available with the crinkly bits smoothed off.
  Price: $49.00

  Product Code: DL230

Desktop & Base Webfont License:

Website pageviews up to 100K/month [Add $49.00]
Website pageviews up to 250K/month [Add $98.00]
Website pageviews up to 500K/month [Add $147.00]

Test Drive Version History Extended Licensing
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  • Four weights with upper & lowercase alphabets
    Languages: Expanded Europe (214)