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Monologous font

From A to B, or not to Z: that is the question mark: whether ’tis nobler in the mind to kern with the left and right arrows of outrageous keyboards, or to take arms against a sea of ’ thought bubbles,’ and by opposing, burst them?

To sigh, with those little fireflies: to sleep; No more; and by sleep that is to say we end each line of dialogue with ’zzzzz;’ The heart-shapes and the thousand drops of sweat popping off my forehead that sight of flesh is sure to produce, ’tis a consummation devoutly to be letter’d.

To die with still at least five balloons of dialogue, to sleep; perchance to flashback to a scene in a previous issue while a picture of my head floats in the corner of each panel: ay, there’s the rub; ’Nuff Said.

(With a tip o’ the hat to Comicraftsman emeritus Dave Lanphear, upon whose pen lettering this font is based)
  Price: $139.00

  Product Code: BL033I

Desktop & Base Webfont License:

Website pageviews up to 100K/month [Add $139.00]
Website pageviews up to 250K/month [Add $278.00]
Website pageviews up to 500K/month [Add $417.00]

Test Drive Version History Extended Licensing
Powered by Fontspring


  • Four weights with alternate uppercase alphabets
    Languages: Complete Europe (221), Vietnamese
    Plus: Automatic alternates, Manga characters & Crossbar I Technology™

Upgrades & Discounts
Monologous Soliloquous Team-Up
  Price: $159.00
Monologous Soliloquous Team-Up