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Moritat font

It’s unpredictable! It’s enigmatic! It has a winning smile and a devil-may-care personality. It can be charming and obliging and yet also elusive and impractical. It is the doer of deadly deeds, it is the dextrous hand of ELEPHANTMEN artist Justin Norman. It is swift and decisive, hesitant but packed with Talent. Ladies and... uh, More Ladies... Moritat has entered the building.

Oh, sorry -- actually Moritat has LEFT the building.

(Watch JG create the regular weight of this font here)
  Price: $79.00

  Product Code: BL043I

Desktop & Base Webfont License:

Website pageviews up to 100K/month [Add $79.00]
Website pageviews up to 250K/month [Add $158.00]
Website pageviews up to 500K/month [Add $237.00]

Test Drive Version History Extended Licensing
Powered by Fontspring


  • Six weights with alternate uppercase alphabets
    Languages: Expanded Europe (214)