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Shiver font

Is your character vibrating slightly or feeling shuddering feverishly, as if from fear or excitement? Is he or she a warm-blooded animal experiencing the early onset hypothermia? Is your protagonist experiencing a pleasurable sensation of anticipation or maybe he/she has a fragment or splinter of glass or stone in the tip of his/her finger.

Any which way, Comicraft now has the font for you to effectively convey the way your characters are feeling to comic book readers everywhere... It’ll be just like they’re listening to a track by Coldplay while trying to shake off the flu in a haunted house.
  Price: $29.00

  Product Code: FX135I

Desktop & Base Webfont License:

Website pageviews up to 100K/month [Add $29.00]
Website pageviews up to 250K/month [Add $58.00]
Website pageviews up to 500K/month [Add $87.00]

Test Drive Version History Extended Licensing
Powered by Fontspring


  • Two weights with alternate uppercase alphabets
    Languages: Expanded Europe (214)
    Plus: Automatic alternates